CPG Experience Council

Exercizing…to create a better Customer Experience

By Sabrina Tessitore

Going to the gym is a wonderful metaphor for any Customer Experience (CX) program. The first gym session has very little impact, apart from the new aches and pains from muscles we haven’t used for a while.

But after consistently going for 2 months, we feel and see a positive difference…and after going consistently for 6 months, everyone can see a positive difference.

Every CX Program needs time and consistent effort to reap positive results for others to see.

When beginning a CX program, it does initially hurt as you lean into a new level of customer feedback and understanding. Notably finding out all the things you could do better from your Detractor’s feedback.

No doubt after a relatively short period, you will be asked by the leaders in your organization: “Is this CX program delivering tangible value….and by that, I mean Profitable Revenue growth.”

That is a big but also justifiable question for any program.

You would ask yourself frequently at the gym, is this working…. And sense check it by tracking your efforts against results…. E.g. increased effort = weight loss or improved fitness.

Well, the CPG Experience council highlighted in their call this month, the six-step process to answering the question; is CX / Net Promoter Score (NPS) positively impacting an organization?

The 6 steps are:

1. Involve your finance peers right at the very start. They are experts in making sense of and visualizing any data.

2. Layout all the financial metrics that are important to your leadership team.

3. Logically match up your Customer Experiential metrics to those financial metrics.

4. Prove it is working for your “Promoters” i.e. your company and your Promoters are mutually benefiting.

5. Take that proven view of success and scale (as resources permit) out to your “Passives” and “Detractors.”

6. Once you have 18 months of data, you can prove the correlation with MAT Trends. (Moving Annual Totals) and visualize in a heat map for all to see.

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